Posts for year 2016
- Stephen Brennan Tutorial on writing a shell
- Web of Stories - Donald Knuth
- Coconut Lang
- Core Functional Programming Concepts
- Rationale behind punishments
- Leslie Lamport on Teaching Concurrency
- Edison's TODO list
- TeamCity Server on Mac
- The Myth of a Strong Leader
- Mastery Based Learning
- Parkinson might start in gut
- Adminer on Mac
- On Feeling Needed
- Gandhi Jayanthi
- We are going to Mars!
- Movie Review: Saving Private Ryan
- Review of The Emerald Route by R.K.Narayan
- Not praising intelligence
- Abstract Factory - Design Pattern Explanation
- A Week Of Violence - July 9, 2016
- Movie Review: No Country For Old Men
- Mesosphere Ahoy!
- Documenting projects can reveal code/ design bugs.
- The Martian Way - Novella
- There will be code
- The Man Who Knew Infinity
- Story of Arthur's Self Discipline
- Oxford Comma
- The Good Doctor
- Good Algorithms Matter
- Gravitational Waves