Posts for year 2018
- Book Review: I am Home portraits of immigrant teenagers
- My Model
- Book Review: The Best We Could Do
- Book Review - Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
- Book Review: The Hacker's Diet
- My writing projects
- Hash Table in C
- MyCodeSchool's Pointers in C and C++
- Book Review - The Mysterious Affair At Styles
- Book Review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
- Being Right vs Being Less Wrong
- Book Review: Yummy Sourashtra Recipe Book
- Exercising restraint in online debates
- Project completion - Spastics Society of Karnataka website
- Little Free Library
- Book Review: Chaos - Making a New Science
- Masako Wakamiya, app developer of Hinadan
- Book Review: Guns, Germs and Steel
- Edison and his phonograph
- Book Review - Manga Guide to Linear Algebra
- Coursera - Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital
- Shelling Out - Origins of Money
- Odds
- Radians and Roger Coats
- Book Review: Beyond the Door
- Book Review: Apache Mesos Essentials
- Book Review: Lauren Ipsum: A Story about Computer Science and Other Improbable Things
- Paper: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy