My friend and I am participating in the 50bookchallenge and I have started enjoying reading one book after the other. After Men who made new physics, I started reading Shashi Tharoors "5 Dollar Smile". This is a compilation of a early writings of Sashi Tharoor in his adolescence. So, you might find him attracted towards pretty girls, interest in sex topics and many of things which disturb young adults. His writing style is good and its really funny. He in his college days might be a kind of leader who must have been along with friends teasing, having fun,understanding junta and yet a leader, Not the all prefect high standards that comes in book definitions. The last one act play of a "Life of a Kutta" was amazing, its a set in a period of India Emergency when forced sterilization was done on males. This presents the time from the eyes of a dog who is converted to a man. The title "5 Dollar Smile" refers to UN Post card featuring photo of Child from India, which seeks to donate 5 dollars and make him smile. Its a simple story of a boy with a charity. The stories are not conclusive, but many of them are thought provoking and sometimes reflecting with real world incidents as it happens and passes by. Next book I read was Sudha Murthy's "How I taught my Grandma and Other stories." A very good book stressing on moral values and principles in life. Sudhar Murty has narrated the incidents in her life in a very simple style for others to understand and follow. The title refers to the story of her youth, when she used to say featured monthly story to her grandma and once in her absence her grandma felt helpless with her inability to read. Her grandma took a resolve to start learning and made young Sudha Mmurty as her guru. This is has very emotional touch at the end which relates to a student respecting her guru. Another thing imprinted in mind is, she learnt from a charity work of not delaying things when helping people as help at the right time is proper and delay with it is not good. Her story about meetings with JRD Tata and APJ Kalaam was very inspiring.