Amar Bose (1929 - 2013)

I have not owned any high-end audio system and i have only known Bose audio systems as one of the high-end and costliest ones. Recently did I come to know about the man behind Bose Audio systems and his passion for acoustics. Amar Bose went for quality research in acoustics and implemented them with his company Bose corporation. I admire the Bose corporation's stance on concentrating on quality and not forsaking that for market conditions.
“I would have been fired a hundred times at a company run by M.B.A.’s. But I never went into business to make money. I went into business so that I could do interesting things that hadn’t been done before.” - Amar Bose
MIT News highlights his contributions in this field, his research and teaching.
Also, watch this video of Dr. Amar Bose sharing his experience to his students on his final lecture. He invites his TA's to share about their experience teaching and then goes on the share his experience as a young graduate student, drafted by his professors, who had confidence in him to take up a Maths problem of Norbert Wiener, when he was not a maths major and he shares his relationship with Norbert Wiener and how it all got started. Later he shares an anecdote on how the same "boring" job given to two students was taken up them in two different thought processes and how it changed the whole experience for them. The point which Dr. Bose is trying to make is, "we are never given a bad card", it is only how we make up in life.