.. title: Google Auto Draw .. slug: google-auto-draw .. date: 2017-04-16 19:10:07 UTC-07:00 .. tags: ai .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text https://aiexperiments.withgoogle.com/autodraw - I really liked this experiment. You can doodle something and it will pick your doodle and give you a proper picture. For e.g. below I drew a flower and than could get a neat version. If you are web-developer, no more struggling with creation for favicons. :) outsource it to AI. My drawing: .. image:: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5q3g581fjj6j3h8/Screenshot%202017-04-16%2019.05.52.png?dl=0 :align: center :height: 300 :width: 450 Computer Output: .. image:: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/89npmolgfarbytb/Screenshot%202017-04-16%2019.05.59.png?dl=0 :align: center :height: 300 :width: 450