.. title: Book Review: 2BR02B .. slug: book-review-2br02b .. date: 2017-12-25 06:39:03 UTC-08:00 .. tags: reviews, books-read-in-2017 .. category: Books .. link: .. description: .. type: text .. raw:: html 2BR02B 2BR02B by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book can be read in the time you'd read the wikipedia page about this book. This was the first Kurt Vonnegut book for me, and it was a sampler for what to expect if I read more from the author. It's a concise presentation of dystopian future when humanity has decided on population control in a weird way. I was thinking that there is logical loop hole in the book, I can't say that as it would be a spoiler, however, I think, author intended the reader to focus on the bigger picture than question some of the assumptions.

The book might help you to appreciate the mess in this world!